Emre Sokullu


18 March 2014

Girismciler Dikkat

Zombi VC’lere bilgi broker’ligi firsati vermeyin.

Turkiye’de girisimcilik ekosistemi gelismekte. Son zamanlarda E-Tohum, ODTU IEEE Kariyer Gunleri ve Turk Telekom’un Pilott’u da dahil olmak uzere cesitli etkinlik ve organizasyonlarda mentorluk/konusmacilik yaptim.

Paralelinde madem bir yatirimci ekosistemi de olusuyor, bu durumda genc Turk girismcilerimizi kendi bazi kotu deneyimlerimle uyarmak istiyorum. Asagidaki Techstars kurucusu ve Zynga yatirimcilarindan Brad Feld’den:

It’s sad but true that some VCs who are past their commitment period and have not raised a new fund still meet with entrepreneurs trying to raise money. In these cases, the entrepreneur has no idea that there is no chance the VCs will invest, but the VCs get to pretend they are still actively investing and try to maintain some semblance of deal flow even though they can’t invest any longer. We first saw this in 2006 and 2007 as firms that raised their previous fund in 2000 or 2001 struggled to raise a new fund. Over time the media picked up on this dynamic and started referring to these firms as the “walking dead”—zombie-like VCs who were still acting like VCs, earning management fees from their old funds and actively managing their old portfolios, but not making new investments.

The good zombies are open about their status; the not so good ones keep taking meetings with new companies even though they can’t make new investments. It’s usually easy to spot zombie VCs—just ask them when they made their last new investment. If it’s more than a year ago, it’s likely they are a zombie. You can also ask simple questions like “How many new investments will you make out of your current fund?” or “When do you expect to be raising a new fund?” If you feel like the VCs are giving you ambiguous answers, they are probably a zombie.

Ben kendi suregelen girisimcilik hikayemde cok fazla zombiyle karsilastim / karsilasiyorum ama sansliyim ki iki adet de gercek yatirimci firma ile (Golden Horn ve TIMAR) calisma firsatim oldu.

Bir diger karsilasacaginiz uzak durmaniz gereken yatirimci turu, bilgi toplama amacli sizle konusan VC’ler. Bunu en yuksek seviye firmalar da yapabilir en asagilik olanlari da. NDA (gizlilik sozlesmesi) imzalatmadan fazla bilgi vermeyin (hic vermeyin demiyorum). Cunku sizin bilgilerinizi size karsi anti-yatirim tezi olusturmak icin kullanabilir ya da bilgi broker’ligi ile piyasada kendilerine yer edinmeye calisabilir, sizi kullanabilirler.

More about this later…
